Essential oils are the essence from plants, flowers, trees, roots and seeds. Used since Biblical times, they're known for their life-enhancing, healing properties.
I am going
to share with you my FIVE favorite oils that I use for my family --these five oils have literally
replace my medicine cabinet!
Peppermint: I use this topically, to cool fevers (placed on temples, nape
of neck, and feet). We also drink a drop of peppermint in a glass of water to relieve tummy aches!
Thieves: This is a blend of clove,
lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.
My boys have this rubbed on their feet every night at bedtime for
immunity protection. We diffuse
Thieves in our house in the winter and also add it to our water. There is also a huge line of Thieves
household cleaning products and personal care items (such as toothpaste).
#3! Lavender:
I begin diffusing lavender an
hour before bedtime in each of our bedrooms to promote a relaxing environment
for sleep. (LOVE the diffuser, because it
will turn off a few hours later on its own after we are all in dreamland.) Lavender provides itch-relief from bug
bites and if applied quickly, can help keep a burn from blistering.
#4! Lemon:
Each morning, before I put anything else in my system, I drink a large
glass of water with 1 or 2 drops of lemon.
Why? Our bodies are generally
acidic. This drop of lemon in water
helps alkalinize our body. Research has
shown that cancer cells can develop and grow more rapidly in an acidic
#5! Panaway:
This is a blend of wintergreen, helichrysum, clove and peppermint. I use this for everyday muscle aches, pains,
or headaches. Soothing and cooling -
Love, Love, Love it!!!
Well, these
are my favorites in a nutshell. There are literally hundreds more
From time to time Patti receives a $20 voucher. If you're interested or you'd like more information on essential oils and Young Living, email Patti: at dpsad95@gmail.com. Check out
her Facebook page.
(Please note, the publisher of this blog receives no compensation from this product.)
(Please note, the publisher of this blog receives no compensation from this product.)
God Bless!!!
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